The Fire Prevention Bureau provides fire education to our local schools, daycare facilities, nursing homes, and churches.
Annually, we also perform various activities during Fire Prevention Week and a department Open House in October during Fire Prevention Week. Part of this education includes the disbursement of fire safety literature and materials for both children and adults. We also house a smoke trailer that provides "real-life" scenarios and hands-on experience that allows everyone to safely experience the dangers of a smoke-filled structure and realize the importance of a pre-planned fire escape route.
FF Dave Love is in-charge of our Fire Prevention program. He holds a certification for the Juvenile Fire Setters program.
An important aspect of fire prevention is working smoke detectors. Many local companies donate a supply of brand new smoke detectors to our fire department annually. If you are in need of a smoke detector, please stop by Station 51.
For more information about the services the Fire Prevention Bureau provides, please contact FF Dave Love.
For additional information, resources, and printable activities, please check out the links below!